The ‘Stasi-Gefängnis Berlin’ was the main political prison of the former East German Communist Ministry of State Security, the Stasi. It was built after the Second World War and closed after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Today it is a museum.

The prison area housed a factory manufacturing supplies for the soup kitchens of the National Socialist People’s Welfare Organization before the Second World War. In 1945 the Soviet Secret Police took over the site and transformed it into a detainment and transit camp, called ‘Special Camp No3’. The camp served as both a prison and transfer point.

The camp was closed and prisoners moved to other camps in 1946. After the closing it served as a Soviet prison during the winter of 1946-1947. The former cafeteria was converted to the underground prison area by prison labour.


The prison was reopened in 1951 by the East German Ministry of State Security, also known as the Stasi. At the end of the 1950s, inmates


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